Jelena Oberman
Singer-songwriter / Kantautorica
Jelena Oberman is an independent musician from Zaprešić, Croatia. Until recently, Jelena was performing under the stage name Job, but now she performs under her full name.
Jelena Oberman je nezavisna glazbenica iz Zaprešića. Donedavno je nastupala pod umjetničkim imenom Job, ali sada nastupa pod svojim punim imenom i prezimenom.
Live Concerts / Koncerti
Zaprešić, 7. 4. 2022.
Samobor, 10. 11. 2022.
Biography / Biografija
Jelena Oberman is an independent musician from Zaprešić, Croatia. Until recently, she was performing under the stage name Job, but now she performs under her full name.
Jelena plays around, experiments with music, colaborates with different musicians. Her musical expression can be classified under the acronym GAF (Genre Alternative Fluid).
“Some people are gender fluid, I’m genre fluid”, she says.
She has been actively involved in music since she was 11 years old. She was working as a journalist for years and after a long break she returned to music in 2019. when she began writing her own songs. During that period, she wrote more then hundred songs and instrumentals. In 2021. she began to engage in production. A small number of women in Croatia are involved in music production, so Jelena’s appearance in this area is more of an exception than a rule.
Jelena Oberman je nezavisna glazbenica iz Zaprešića. Donedavno je nastupala pod umjetničkim imenom Job, ali sada nastupa pod svojim punim imenom i prezimenom.
Jelena se poigrava, eksperimentira s glazbom, surađuje s različitim glazbenicima. Njezin muzički izričaj može se podvesti pod akronim GAF (Genre Alternative Fluid).
“Neki ljudi su gender fluid, ja sam genre fluid”, kaže.
Glazbom se aktivno bavi od svoje 11 godine. Nakon jedne duže pauze u kojoj je radila kao novinarka, glazbi se vraća 2019. godine kada je počela pisati svoje vlastite pjesme. U tom periodu je napisala više od sto skladbi, što pjesama što instrumentala, a od 2021. godine počela se baviti i produkcijom. Malo je žena u Hrvatskoj koje se time bave tako da u tom svijetu njezina pojava predstavlja više izniman slučaj, nego pravilo.
Jelena Oberman is a singer-songwriter from Croatia
Latest Releases / Posljednja izdanja

Ti i ja
- Release date / Datum objave: 22. 11. 2024.
- Format: Digital Download

Mi nismo s ovoga svijeta
- Release date / Datum objave: 3. 11. 2023.
- Format: Digital Download

Ovaj svijet je lud (remix)
- Release date / Datum objave: 15. 9. 2023.
- Format: Digital Download

- Release date / Datum objave: 30. 6. 2023.
- Format: Digital Download

Ovaj svijet je lud
- Release date / Datum objave: 19. 5. 2023.
- Format: Digital Download

Ustaj, kreni, pokreni se
- Release date / Datum objave: 31. 3. 2023.
- Format: Digital Download

- Čizme
- Release date / Datum objave: 30. 1. 2023.
- Format: Digital Download

- The Storm
- Release date / Datum objave: 21. 11. 2022.
- Format: Digital Download